søndag 23. januar 2011

There is a first time for everything!

I am not quite sure how this works, but I must be doing something right.
I know nothing about computers, but Google helped me to creata a blog.
Tomorrow is my first workout day. I am overweight, 102 kilos (210 lbs.), have a low levell of fitness and alot of work to do.
I will start slow and build up. Tomorrow I will join a gym for strength training and fitness on a treadmill or bike. I probarbly should loose some weight before I start running too hard. I need to find a swimming course. I want to avoid drowning in my first triathlon. I need to study techniques and learn alot about training. So far I have suscribed to the "220 Triathlon" magazine.
I am scared! I hope I did not take on too much. We will see!

Besides the training I am doing a course at university. I am going to need a job. For the time beeing I receive money for food and rent from the government. It will have to do. No more crime for me! No more prisontime for me!

I'll be back tomorrow!

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